Today, I was inspired by a little piece of chocolate.
"Happiness is celebrating the little things."
It got me thinking about all of the wonderful things in life that make me happy & make me feel completely blessed!
Here's a little list of what I came up with:
*Philippians 4:13
*My amazing husband
*My adorable son
*Freshly painted nails
*Chocolate (that's a given! lol)
*An inspiring photo
*A beautiful flower on a lovely spring day
*Laying out in the sun with a good magazine getting a warm tan
*Being the reason for a smile
*Playing a good game of "Things" (if you haven't played it, I highly suggest you do!)
*Frank Sinatra
*A sappy romantic movie
*Anything with sparkles
*Pinterest! :D
*Finding a good DIY project
*Searching through beautiful wedding ideas...although I'm already married, I love the romantic details!
*A picnic in the park on a gorgeous day
*Walking around Target...it's a stress reliever lol
*Finding AMAZING fabric! Even more so when it's on sale!
*Sitting by the fireplace with some hot cocoa on a winters day
*Receiving a hand written letter in the mail
*Hearing the words--"I love you!"
& There's LOTS more where that came from! :D
What makes you happy?
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