It was so good to be able to take a break from my blog and a break from taking new orders in the shop. I was tempted several times to post though--but I would tell myself otherwise and did pretty good! I took a break for several reasons (you can read more about why below) and I feel better enough now that I was able to just take a step back and give myself some breathing room. I'm excited to start creating new items (several are already on their way to be added to the shop soon) & some new posts! Want to know what I have been up to this whole time? Here's a little recap of these past couple weeks! :) I helped a friend host her adorable baby shower for her little Julia--on her way next month! She did a little birdie theme and it came out so darn cute! Here are some photos of the decor which most was DIY.

You may remember these cupcake towers from my post last month. Click here to make your very own! :)

The fabric chandelier I made for Julia's room was also hung at the shower. With lots of cutting of various fabrics & tying to an embroidery hoop, it's fairly easy to make! :)

Everything turned out so beautifully Megan and I can't wait to meet Julia!
She will be beautiful-inside and out just like her mommy. :) ~~~~~~~~~~ I also gave myself a little manicure while on my break.
I used Need a Refresh-Mint by Wet N Wild & I added rose gold glitter to the tips. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The babies also got together... Cousins Emilee and Levi and BFF Laila.
While my husband caught up on some yard work...I caught up on some relaxing...
I also caught up on * learning how to crochet * made some tamales with the family * saw a movie with the husband--at the theater * went swimming at my mom's house * studied a bit for my upcoming math test before NP1 * started our new bible study for every Tuesday night Not only did I catch up on some relaxing and spending some much needed time with my family, I also visited the Dr. and found out some news that made me realize why I was feeling the way I did. I had been going through a lot--stressing over school, getting several rushed orders done, still adjusting to being at home and working on my "domestic abilities," being a mommy and the errands and places to be in between. I had been feeling really tired and run down and completely NOT like myself (which is why this little break was much needed)! When I visited the Dr. this past week, I found out that I have severe hypothyroidism which explains why I have been feeling the way I do. For anyone who has not been through this, it changes SO MUCH about your body--physically and emotionally and it is NOT fun.{You can read more about what it is here} I am now on my way to feeling better--soon hopefully. I would like to ask if you could keep me in your prayers as I go through treatment. **On top of that, I also have a confession: I found my first gray hair!!! I'm not sure that a girl (a young one at that) should be admitting this but it freaked me out! It took me a while to decide whether or not I should leave it or pull it out but I finally decided to pull it out and I'm hoping that "7 won't come to it's funeral!" Anyone else have this problem? On a happier note, I ended my break yesterday with a trip to the beach with my husband, our son (his first trip to the beach!), & our good friends Ian, Megan, and their adorable 2-year old Caleb. Here are some photos of the amazing and super fun day that we had...not to mention all of the crazy conversations we had--we will keep those to ourselves! lol 

These photos are from "The Top of the World" in Laguna Beach. It was really cold but soo pretty & gorgeous to say the least! 
This verse is on my heart and has helped me and will continue to help me get through the times where I just feel overwhelmed and run down.
I hope this may be a reminder to you as well throughout your day. {Have a BEAUTIFUL rest of the week!}
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