I have noticed that blogging and using your creativity is sort of like a roller coaster. Some days, you want to share so much and you are just flowing with inspiration. Other days, you draw a blank and really don't want to do anything.
In order to post, one must get their inspiration from somewhere or at least have an idea what to write about. Sometimes though, it doesn't come so easy and I don't really like to post or even read others posts unless you can tell there is some sort of care/inspiration/idea/thought put into it. Of course we have our days but I am going to share a little list I came up with for those days of "I don't know what to write/create/post/photograph" or even those days were you just feel "blah!"
Watch the movie Julie & Julia

Although, I don't really cook, this movie totally inspires me to do what I love to do! It's SUCH a great movie and makes me smile. :)
Go to Starbucks with your laptop or even a good book

There is something about that overly-priced coffee shop that just gets the creative juices flowing! Their ambience makes you feel quite sophisticated as well I might add.
Take a trip to Joanns, Michaels or Hobby Lobby

Take a stroll through their aisles and browse the different colors and textures of the fabrics, shapes and sparkle of their buttons, content and ideas from their book and magazines. You may leave spending more money than you planned so it may be a good idea to leave the credit/debt cards at home. :)
Go thrifting and/or antique shopping

There are countless times when finding new treasures really inspire me to create new pieces or give me ideas for different styled photoshoots. These are my favorite days!
Read about one of those days right here.
Enough said.
Put on some heels
Take a walk

Slow down and look around. Examine your surroundings closely and pay attention to the detail that we ever so often pass by in our crazy hectic lives.
"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" Matthew 6:26
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