Ellie Coburn // elliecoburn.com | Courtney Pruitt // All Things Unpredictable and Chic | Ashley Griffith // After Nine to Five | Kayla Leppelman // Love Sparkle Pretty | Emma // Emma Deer | LaurenVaughan // One Sweet Fairytale | Nina // Nina's Bargain Beauty | Kristine Foley // The Foley Fam | Shane Prather // Whispering Sweet Nothings | Keri-Anne Pink // gingerlilytea | Kara Kieran // Kieran Honey Bee | Cassie Yielding // Live. Laugh. Love. | Kim Cee // 2justByou.com | Ann Michele // Ann Michele's World | Ashlea Durrett // Ashlea with an A | Julie Grimmett // Julie is Coco and Cocoa | Laura Euler // Storybook Reality | Christine Rosko // Life with a side of coffeeSpecial Thanks to Sarah Moog for her ongoing contributions and tireless efforts towards the Speak Now Movement.
I received an e-mail from my grandmother which included a very inspirational quote. Sometimes a good pick me up could be a dose of beautiful words.
"Today, may there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us."
I'm not sure who came up with this quote but I wanted to share this with every woman || and man too if you're reading ;) || to serve as a reminder that you have a purpose created by our Lord-Christ Jesus. You are loved and you are beautiful!
I'm so excited to be linking up with Speak Now + would love if you would too! Read all about the inspiring details below.
Speak Now is an empowerment program that exists to create community and inspiration for women globally. Each month, Speak Now creates a NEW way to get bloggers, women, and community members involved with our movement to spread the unique philosophy that we are all beautiful regardless of shape, size, or circumstance. We are so wonderfully excited to reveal, the 2nd "You're Beautiful" Link-Up. Wonderful bloggers from all over the web have teamed up once again to help spread the "You're Beautiful" Link-Up and share with women everywhere just how beautiful they are. Society today shares with us the ever-present challenge of feeling beautiful and worthy in all walks of life. We're here to tell you that despite trends in fashion, media, and communication-you are perfectly perfect being you.
Why do you think women are beautiful inside and out?Tweet us about it. Status about us on Facebook. Or tag us in your instagram photos @womenspeaknow Link-Up your blog below to support the Speak Now movement.You don't have to write a post about us or advertise us in anyway. We want to see you being your than you so link up your most recent post, link us to your small business, or link us to a past post that makes you feel truer than true about women empowerment. So link-up and stay connected with us via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Remember that you're beautiful. & that being you is the best you can be.
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