Happiness Lately

Happiness Lately:
*As you can see, my new heart shades. Seriously.
*Reading the L.A. Candy series by Lauren Conrad. At first, I wasn't into it. Honestly, I only started reading these books because-well, I heart Lauren Conrad-but the series has actually been hard to put down. Reality T.V. just isn't the same now.
*Mint n' Chip ice cream from Rite Aid. Nuff said.
*Just finished up VBS at my church where I was the crafts station leader. 2 days. 2 crafts. Cute and Crazy kiddos from ages 4-11. LOTS of Jesus lovin'. SO much fun!
*New sketchbook from Kelly Rae Roberts. Just stumbled upon her work and let me tell ya, I fell in LOVE.
*Upcoming photo shoots in Texas, Oregon and British Columbia. Wish I was there but at least my pretty pieces will be!
*Levi has finally learned how to give actual kisses-puckered lips, smooch sound and all. No more going in with an open mouth and slobber. LOL
*Mine and my husband's 3 year wedding anniversary is in a few days! Woop!
*Not being so concerned with "getting ready." A bit of toothpaste, mascara and a maxi is all I need. Bleh.
*Memories from the night we danced to lots of country music.
*Emails with a good friend. Thank you Tara.
*The Valencia Orange Starbucks refresher. Wakes you right up and perfect for this summer heat.
*Speaking of summer heat, a trip to the beach soon will make me happy! :)

What's making you happy lately?

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