A tid bit into the life of a nursing student...& what I {miss}

This is the first time in a long time that I have logged into my blog.
So sad! I really miss it!
I miss posting.
I miss browsing my favorite blogs.
I miss meeting and talking with fellow bloggers/crafters.
I miss crafting.
I miss my shop.

If you don't know, I am a nursing student now with a full schedule and no time to do all of these things that I miss so dearly. I had to get on here though and vent to let some thoughts out.
As I browsed through my favorite blogs, I feel like I have missed so much going on!
(Whether that's true or not-that's how I feel)
Don't get me wrong, I have had some really awesome experiences since starting nursing school
 but most of my time is spent in the books.
Here are some photos of my life as a nursing student lately...
{Injection day!}

{first day of clinicals}

{getting those community service hours done}

{Oh those care plans!}

{Watching some Project Runway-my "me time" after clinicals}

{Downing that coffee}


{This is why nursing students gain so much weight!}

{my home on fridays}

{If I could, I would stick an IV of caffiene in myself!}

Just a tid bit into my current life.
I withheld the photos of the study material because that can give anyone a headache!
Don't forget I'm a wife and a mommy as well.
It can be done though.

Hopefully I can get back to my shop, my blog, and the crafting soon.

Are any of you in a similar boat as me or miss something that you have had to put off for something else?

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