The BIGGEST leap of faith.

I just made one of the biggest decisions in my 23 years of living. I feel quite liberated actually! I have made the choice to leave nursing school. Yes, I am now a "nursing school drop-out"! Not because I can't do it (I know I can) but because I know there is another path for me.

I have shed tears due to stress, confusion, happiness, and sadness.
I missed being at home with my husband and my son.
I missed my shop.
I missed being creative.
I missed daydreaming of new ideas.
I missed seeing my friends.
I missed not being stressed out 24/7.
I used to think that doing what I loved to do should only be a hobby-otherwise it would lose all of it's value.
I used to think that if I left nursing school, I would regret all of the time and hard work I put into it.
I used to think that I was superwoman and I could handle having a full plate.
I used to think that it would get easier if I just stayed.
I believe that God doesn't waste our experiences and I don't regret going through the schooling that I have and dedicating my time to it. Nursing will always have a positive impact on my life.
I have met some amazing, life-long friends along the way.
I have learned to listen and not just hear.
I have learned about the power of healing by touch and just holding someone's hand.
I have learned that no matter how great you are at technical skills, the ability to have a positive impact on someone's attitude matters most.
I have prayed with a complete stranger and continue to pray for her.
I have seen depressed people smile.
I realized that God places people in your life for a reason, whether it's for a short period of time or much longer.
I have seen how technology can play a huge role in healing.
I have seen inside of the human body and the intricate anatomy that we don't get to see on a regular basis.
I overcame my fear of handling needles.
I learned what being an advocate really means.
I also learned that although I love making others feel better, I don't need an RN license to do that.
It was hard to fight off feelings that there was something else that I was created to do while I tried my best to study and read and finish care plans and make drug cards. I am fortunate enough to have a choice in what I want to do for the rest of my life and not what I have to do.
I am grateful for my supporting husband, family, and friends.
This decision will be one that I will forever look at as a {life changing experience} and I feel at peace with my decision. My priorities right now is my family and expanding my creativity (maybe even a visit to NY? :)
I have several projects underway and I will be opening my shop again soon.
Right now, it's time for a breather and a bit of relaxation.

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